Powerpoint Presentations

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Should you be interested in any of the presentations below and would like them to be presented in your area, please contact us at originofnations@iprimus.com.au

            Nations & Prophecy:

  • A Woman Rides the Beast

  • Australia in Prophecy!

  • Germany in history and prophecy

  • The Holy Roman Empire Rises Again!

  • Tribulation & Day of the Lord

  • Wonderful World Tomorrow & the eternal Kingdom

  • Animals in the World Tomorrow

  • Watch!

  • The Great Shepherd, the Second Exodus and YOU!

National Origins:

  • The modern identity of the nations of Genesis 10 (1-4 presentations)

  • Cush in East Africa

  • Origin of the Australian Aborigines

  • Where are the ‘lost’ 10 tribes today?

  • Who are the Scots?

The Church and its Counterfeits:

  • History of the Church of God (seventh day) and their offshoots

  • The Congregations in the East

  • Greenberry G Rupert - Man of God!

  • Mystery Babylon the Great

  • A Tribute to Richard C Nickels

  • Roots of the 21st century Church of God

  • Seven Restorations of the Hebrew Roots/Church of God Movement

  • Seven Churches of Rev 2 & 3

Man's Incredible Destiny & the Spirit Realm:

  • The Angelic and Demonic Realm

  • The Process of Salvation and Mankind’s Awesome Destiny